Wednesday, May 20, 2009

To Tweet or not to Tweet?

Want to know what's goin on?

Let a little bird tell you... it's good to Twitter!

Twitter, I have to admit I do like it, and overall, it's probably worth having >> but I'm very suspicious of it too.

I have just over 60 'followers' though the number varies a lot, even on a daily basis. It seems odd though that almost all of my 'followers' seem closely linked with key-words I've tweeted... for example, I've mentioned I love to surf... and I'm then quickly followed by GUL wetsuits, Surfers against Sewage and other obviously-linked commercial groups, without ever having visited, or added them.

I go to Whitby & tweet how nice it is, and upload a few pix. I'm then followed by 'Visit Whitby' >> surely no coincidence? I mention I have an interest in aliens & spacey / sciency stuff, and as if by magic, I get followed by Cambridge Scientific Services, and, oddly, a legal firm offering assistance fro 'illegal aliens' Pffft... Have they landed?

I'm pretty sure all out tweets are sieved and filtered - and the 'juicy' commercial bits are recognised by some intelligent computer program, which sometimes gets it wrong, and then sold on to 'relevent' commercial institutions.... we then get 'followed' - and the commercial guys have a ready-made audience for offers & commercial tweets ad infinitum.. ..

I fully expect to receive an ever growing number of tweets particularly tailored to my so-called interests, however the software identifies them... and perhaps, this is more of an intrusion into my privacy than I had wanted...

Still, for the moment, it's fun, even if only 3 or 4 guys following me are genuine... Sometimes, I wish I was more simple and far less of a cynic!

You can join Twitter at, and it works really well with most mobile phones, via applications such a 'Tweetie' or 'Twitteriffic'. If you do join up >> Follow TorchwoodCF for all the news & shizz from Torchwood Territory & Somerwest County!


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