Friday, December 24, 2010

A sad day for British comedy?

Well, unless I'm a monkey's uncle, we all fully understand & appreciate that Frankie Boyle's a comedian who plays it close to the knuckle. His legendary sardonic humor works so well as he reflects life - and he tells it like it is. Frankie takes no prisoners and can be distasteful, but his 'victims' are not limited to particular races or social classes: anyone & everyone are considered fair game.

His ability to make ordinary situations side-splittingly funny and his observational wisecracks are indeed his trademark, and the reason his shows are invariably sell-outs, and his regular appearances on so many panel shows.

It was only a matter of time, however, before the politically-correct namby-pambies got their claws out and into him. In fact, I'm amazed he was allowed to be so artistically free for so long. Our UK culture has long been one which stifles originality & restricts free speech on the basis that it will offend at least somebody.

If Frankie is censured for his recent comments, then British comedy will be a sadder institution.

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