Away for the Bank Holiday weekend - this time round, it's North Yorkshire, home to excellent beer, fantastic scenery, fish & chips, a powerful, unintelligible accent > and far too many track-suited pie-eating chavs, many of them succulently obese! There are some pretty gross sights hanging out of Ecko sweat pants, and some Reebok Classics were definitely taking more strain than they were made for, I can tell you! Ew! I feel faint...
Arrived in Whitby from Scarborough after watching the dramatic RNLI rescue of a small girl, snatched from her mother's arms by a raiding herring gull, and dropped far out to sea when the beast exhausted. How fortunate the lifeboat was out on training maneuvers - and by total coincidence, in the same spot where the girl landed. Splash! It's a miracle! Normally, they grab ice creams & chips, but some are psychotic & have ideas well above their perches!
Never been to Scarborough before - and I'm surprised how nice it is. Very nice in fact. I'll be back for a longer stay when time allows. Loads of bikes & leather-clad bikers - would be a great place to come on two wheels. For cars, sadly, parking is murder, almost literally., and parking meter jobsworths roam the streets looking for easy victims. Saw the place where they film 'The Royal', a great program soon to face the axe due to ITV going slowly broke.
Had lunch today in 'Winking Willy's Fish Bar' with Rytin Chex - the guy who does radio over in Wales. Met him in York last night on Twitter & tagged along for the day. Funny bloke - full of ideas and opinions, most of them either insane, or ridiculous! Good company though! Managed not to eat all the chips, but it's so tempting. One thing is definitely true, northern fish & chips are ALWAYS the best!
Started today over in Goathland, aka Aidensfield, where 'Heartbeat' is being filmed, and has been for the last 130 years. Sad to say the show's being killed off, along with 'The Royal', in spite of high ratings. The truth is that ITV is in trouble financially, and there will be savage cuts in UK programming, and an increase in cheap US imported sh!t. Sad. I think the future of ITV is not so good, if I'm honest.
Was good to see old fashioned steam trains in 'Aidensfield'. I'm not into trains, but it was nice to see something wholly different racking along the tracks. I think they go up and down the line to Pickering, but I'm no expert! There was also an allegedly famous train called 'The Mallard' which passed by - exciting hundreds of photographers with enormous lenses & uber-expensive cameras!
A warm & friendly greeting and a warm welcome too from the residents of Goathland. Lovely place! It's not PC, but it's cool by me!
Arrived at my hotel to chill for a couple of hours only to crack my foot on a door stop, ironically, in the form of a huge pecking goose with a silly smile on its wrought iron face. Typical, eh?
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