Started at wake-up, when I was totally convinced it was Saturday morning, so I lazily remained in bed, noting brilliant sun outside whilst planning a leisurely breakfast, perhaps at IKEA, or the caravan club over in Sully. The noise of the garbage truck passing by jolted a few brain cells into action and was slightly disturbing - the garbage truck comes on Tuesday, NOT Saturday! Has the council gone mad? Or was it me?
It WAS me - it was in fact Tuesday, and I was late. After realizing I'd lost the coffee, and the plot as well, I threw on suit number 3 and shirt number 7, finding the coffee in the freezer in the process.Too late for a cup anyway - just time to fire up the Skoda!
Arriving at The Hub, miraculously on time, I proceded to acquire a crispy breakfast roll, essential for generating energy & indeed the will to live. I'm always left alone whilst eating > I have been known to confuse colleagues, and even Weevils for food whilst in feeding mode. I am therefore guaranteed not to be disturbed whilst in possession of bacon, which is a good thing for all concerned.
The rest of the day moved on fairly quickly, as ever, problems to solve, people to see, important things to do - and countless people telling me to do things which are, of course more important. Manic emails from the Boss with more, even more vital things to do, and even sooner, and a load of things to plan, for yesterday.
Lunch was disappointing - grey meatballs, allegedly made of pork, but more likely to be cotton wool, soaked in barbecue sauce. Then there was the soggetti - like spaghetti, but flaccid, limpid and totally flavorless. Quite horrible, and an altogether unpleasant experience. I was then offered an alien delicacy to sample. It resembled cheese - with an aftertaste of Marmite, or perhaps Bovril. It was something I'll never forget. I may have been psychologically damaged by it.
Every Tuesday ends in blah blah... the meeting that reduces the brain to pudding, and makes suicide by shark seem, by comparison, a pleasurable experience, one even to look forward to. As ever, half a rainforest is passed round the table, all to be filed in the bin immediately afterwards, of course unread.
After the first few minutes, someone says it's cold - so the air con goes off. It's actually baking, and within seconds, the room is so hot, that the fruit visibly shrivels, and later - even steel objects vaporise, and the fiery atmosphere draws everyone into dessicated unconsciousness.
At last, proof that God exists, as papers start to shuffle, the PowerPoint is switched off, and people start to move to the door. It really is a miracle... we're finishing TWENTY MINUTES EARLY!! Huzzah!!
Then Bigmouth opens it, and it all kicks off again. Another 45 minutes of pointless misery talking about trivia, and people sink back into their seats, forlorn.
Now I'm home - had Morrison's self-service salad and chili flavored pilchards for tea, & now it's time for New Tricks!

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