Spent the day wandering thru Cardiff & mulling over essential, yet unanswered questions.. the true meaning of life.. what it's all about, and, to cut to the chase, why do I actually bother. Life is just so, so dull right now. I need a massive change, but not totally sure as to how to achieve this. Maybe Reggie Perrin had the best idea!
Feeling strangely negative - a combination of extreme boredom and purposelessness making life just too difficult to enjoy. Cardiff's often the essential answer to misery: lively shops, crowds of people, many of them basically friendly, loads of emos & other alternative types - and of course, fantastic shops - with more than enough on sale to bolster the most flagging of spirits!
Then, of course, there's the totally unexplained phenomenon: the mechanical, perhaps clockwork moving statue that stands silently in Queen Street, totally still, occasionally moving very slightly, to capture the interest of small crowds that gather & watch. The statue, appearing to be form the mid 17th Century is totally white, and wears breeches & a frilly-thing shirt. It has hair like Mozart, and oddly piercing, black eyes. It's always mysterious - and always good to watch.
Today, however, my illusions & sense of mystery was shattered. Whilst looking at jeans (black, ultra-skinny, naturally!) in a shop in Queen's Arcade, I suddenly felt the need to go for a pee. I entered the gents, and began the 'operation'.
I was slightly perturbed to hear an uncomfortable rustling behind me. I looked, casually. And there, as if by magic - WAS THE MOVING STATUE!! It had moved from its plinth in Queen Street, and had somehow gotten to the gents closet! Worse was to follow..
(Paragraph CENSORED!)
The Moving Statue had taken a leak!!!
I then found out that the moving statue was not actually an alien from Planet XL390-zeta, sent to spy on the shoppers of Cardiff, prior to an all-out invasion, timed to match exactly the appearance of the next Doctor Who Xmas Special.... but a guy from Caerffili, named Ben.
How disappointing. How disconcerting. Another myth shattered!
And life still sucks. Bigtime.
Chris, Torchwood Cardiff.
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